Michele Woodward Consulting

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Making a Plan - When Making a Plan Feels Really Hard

It's so hard to make a plan when you don't know what next week will bring.

Will you be in quarantine? Will someone you know - and rely on - be in quarantine?

Will you be sick? Will anyone you know be sick?

Will you be in lockdown?

Will your job end next week? Or, if you've already been dislocated, will you get a job next week?

I love a good plan. I mean, I built a whole business around helping people make plans, so I better love it.

But it is so very hard to be planful when there's so much is unknowable.

There is something you can do, though. Know what I'm doing? How I'm coping?

I plan where I can and let go when I have to.

For instance.

I plan a weekly menu.

From the weekly menu, I plan my grocery store run.

I plan how to stock my pantry so I'll have what I need in the event there's another full lockdown.

I plan when I'll wake up in the morning.

I plan when I'll start work and when I'll finish for the day.

I plan when to make calls to or socially-distanced visits with family and friends.

I schedule exercise.

I identify three things each day that I know I can accomplish, and I put a very large and satisfying check mark next to them when they're done.[For those readers in America, let me just mention that I'm also planning to vote. In person, early. And I urge you to create your own voting plan, too.]If I worked in an office, I'd plan for performance reviews to be done when performance reviews are always done, and I'd plan on hiring if hiring needed to be done, and I'd plan the annual conference, too, maybe using a nifty virtual platform.

What I'm not doing is: I'm not planning post-pandemic travel. Or Thanksgiving or Christmas for that matter because there are still too many variables to be able to make a plan that will stick.

I'm also not planning that this thing will be over by a date certain because who knows when it will be over.

All I can plan for is that there will be a lot of things I can't plan for in the next six or eight months. I am, though, going to focus on being resilient, and adaptable, and kind to myself and others as the coming days unfold. What an accomplishment that will be!

Sounds an awful lot like a plan, doesn't it?