I Have Ted Koppel Hair

 I have Ted Koppel Hair today, the result of new hair product plus a cavalier attitude toward Finding A Part.For those who are misty on Ted Koppel Hair, let me remind you:Ted KoppelImagine how especially delightful my hair looked after I jammed a wool beanie on my head to make a grocery store run. I had Ted Koppel Hat Head!It was possibly the worst hair day of my entire life (excepting 1986-1989, which were the years I'd like to forget, hair-wise) and know what?It didn't stop me.Didn't stop me from doing what needed to be done, and doing what I wanted to do.Didn't cause me to throw the world's largest pity party. Nor did it cause me to venture into self-hatred.Nope. I have Ted Koppel Hair and...I am writing about it.Because, as we discussed last time, isn't it time we all get real and raw?Think of all the things you may have missed in your life because your hair looked (to you) stupid, or you felt you didn't have the right clothes, or you had that zit on the very tip of your nose, or you couldn't shave, or you had that cast, or you needed to lose thirty pounds, or a million other excuses.The plain fact of the matter is - you missed stuff.People, places, experiences that you just can't get back.Moments in time that are now lost.Self-imposed limits that kept you from doing a thing - a thing that could have been big and made a big difference in your life.Missing out is no fun.So, today, and every day, go boldly. Get out there despite your hair or your clothes or your complexion or your weight. Go out in the world, connect, be real and raw.Go out there and be you.The only person on the planet who can rock Ted Koppel Hair is...Ted Koppel.But today? I come in a fierce, real and raw second. 


What I'm Here To Do


Real and Raw