The Business of Coaching LIVE! 2015
The Business of Coaching LIVE! 2015
Friday, June 5 - Saturday June 6, 2015
Arlington, Virginia
~ amplify your success ~
In 2012, Laurie Foley and I gave a workshop to over sixty coaches where we shared how to create a viable, sustainable coaching practice.We lifted the veil that often hides the facts about coaching revenue, and clearly showed how much money we made as coaches.Yes, jaws dropped.And one or two coaches got angry because they had bought into the "Six Weeks To Six Figures" meme used in the coaching world.Now, not for a moment were Laurie and I "Debbie Downers". We calmly and patiently explained that there is no method or template for creating a sustainable coaching practice - the best approach is to create a business that reflects your priorities and leverages your strengths.
People walked out of that session with a sense of optimism, and a real, workable plan for creating great businesses.
As a certified Martha Beck Life Coach, I had the opportunity to attend a Martha Beck Coaches conference in March of 2012. Of all the seminars and workshops available that weekend, I headed straight for The Business of Coaching with Michele Woodward and Laurie Foley. At that point, I was a few years into what I then called 'my coaching practice.' Well, when I walked out of their workshop, I walked into 'my coaching business.' The tools, insights and inspiration that Michele and Laurie shared on those two days shifted my mindset, my knowledge and how I saw myself in my business. Their authenticity and transparency ignited a fire in me. This wasn’t a bonfire, though I was indeed fired up as I flew home that Sunday. No, this workshop lit a pilot light within me that has sustained my growth, guided my vision, and supported me in creating a life and life’s work that is rich and fulfilling both for myself and the clients I am honored to serve. The Business of Coaching 2015 will not only be an invaluable gift for yourself, it will be the best 'invest in your business' decision you make this year."–Mary Welty-Dapkus, CEO Fresh Intuition Coaching and Consulting
Shortly thereafter, Laurie and I started The Business of Coaching Facebook group as a way for those participants to gather and continue to work on creating businesses that matter.The group has exceeded our wildest expectations in terms of helpfulness - one to another - kindness, and resourcefulness.In 2014, we tacked on a Business of Coaching event to the International Coach Federation's Capital Coaches conference in June. The event was a roaring success, with eyes opened, plans made and friendships cemented.And I announced it was the last live event I was ever going to do.But 2015 dawned and the Facebook group continues to grow - we're at 950 members now - and I realized that we need another in-person event.Because that's where people connect, and connecting is one of my most valued treasures. And that's where people really learn - another thing I value intensely.
So, here we go.The Business of Coaching LIVE! 2015 will be held at my house - so you will have the opportunity to inspect for dust bunnies, examine the books in my library, and generally nose around under the couch cushions for spare change. By doing the event at my house, we'll save ourselves the hassles of dealing with hotel management.We'll be working on AMPLIFYING your business. Discovering what's working and making a plan to do more of that.Because, and you may quote me on this:
Happiness is best defined as doing more of what you like and are good at, and less of what you don't like - even if you ARE good at it.
Joining me to deliver the program is Nona Jordan, Master Coach and general awesome human. And, Laurie Foley will attend if she can - depending on her health and the demands of her wide swath of groupies.In a nutshell, here's what the schedule looks like:Friday, June 5th
1pm - meet at my house in Arlington, VA, for the opening, foundational part of our work together
6pm - stay for dinner
Saturday, June 6th
9am - meet at my house for more work
12 noon - lunch and a walk in the forest
4pm - we'll wrap up with love and a deep sense of accomplishment
Price: $525, limited to 30 participants (full refunds until May 1st. Cancellations after May 1st will be refunded 50%)
Enroll in The Business of Coaching LIVESunday, June 7th
Optional - Equus coaching workshop with Master Coaches Renee Sievert, Dixie St. John, and me. You'll get intense one-on-one experiences with the horses and expert coaching to tease out concrete next steps you can take arising from your increased awareness. Will be held at the Rainbow Therapeutic Riding Center, Haymarket, VA. Price: $625, limited to 12 participants 7 spots left. (full refunds until May 1st. Cancellations after May 1st will be refunded 50%)
“The Equus Leadership Experience was memorable, instructive, and life-affirming! I learned that uncertainty is opportunity, assumptions need to be questioned, and recognition of teamwork is essential.” ~ Travis H., Business Development and Communications Strategist
Enroll in The Equus Coaching WorkshopMonday, June 8th - Wednesday June 10th
Optional - EQ-i 2.0 Certification training offered by OKA Associates, Fairfax, VA. Click here for more information and use MW2015 to get a 15% discount off the registration fee.
Now, to wrap up.
Here's my promise to you.
If you come to this event, you will enjoy yourself.
You will get clarity on your business.
You will discover new ways to promote your work and market your business.
Ways that will feel joyful, not icky.
You will feel energized.
You will meet new friends and rekindle connections with old friends.
You will feel... amplified.
Please join us. Will you?