How Are You Connected...To Yourself?

  I invested some time watching an interesting video, and the further I got into the video the more I was sure you'd enjoy watching it, too.It's Oprah Winfrey at the Stanford Business School, talking about her career path and how she found her purpose and while it's "classic Oprah" in tenor and tone, it's something different, too. Maybe because she's being interviewed by a student, maybe because the audience is mostly students, maybe because she's in full mentor mode - regardless - Oprah is loose, comfortable and really giving of herself. Watch:[embed][/embed]If you're at a crossroads and can't figure out where to go next, or what to do next - you will learn something by watching. My hunch is that you'll get some insight about at least one thing you can do differently. Or do more of.Because I most certainly did. 


A Blast From The Past


Working Hard Is Pointless