Salt Shaker When you start down a path, it's always useful to take a quick glance behind you, too, just to orient your journey.So, let's take a look back. I bet that 2014 held a lot of surprises.I bet that - regardless of how much you tried to be positive and set good intentions - it wasn't all blissful, was it?And, I'll further bet that you have a deep-seated thought that if only you could get everything going the right way at once then your life would be utterly and permanently effortless.You'd be, as we say in the South, in high cotton.But this is a fallacy, my friends. No one lives in high cotton all the time.Not Richard Branson. Not Oprah Winfrey. Not the Dalai Lama. Not the Pope.Everyone - every single one of us - faces unexpected illnesses, freak lightning storms, car accidents, setbacks, obstacles and upsets in the course of our lives.You can't hold those things off.You might not even want to once you realize what they do for you.Give me one minute, here.Think about baking. Whenever you bake something sweet, the recipe always calls for a measure of salt.Have you noticed that?A pinch, a teaspoon, a tablespoon of salt - some bit of salt in the mix provides a kind of contrast which allows the sweetness to really shine through.Now, back to you.You're going to cry in 2015. Maybe more than once.Because you and I know that things will never be 100% perfect.Never.Ever.Try as you might, things will be...what they are. Some will be hard, some will be easy.There will be salty tears and sweet joys in your life.But you need both to have a full, fulfilling experience.So the first time 2015 presents you with a challenge, don't panic.Don't waste a second beating yourself up for not living a perfectly Instagrammable-Facebookable-Pinteresty life.It's your life. And you get to have all of it.And, every tear you shed simply makes the inevitable sweetness which follows that much more satisfying.


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