I Don't Know What I Should Be Doing

 Two Elevator DoorsSometimes there's a lull.A moment in-between.You've focused, produced, attained, driven, strained. And you know there's going to be another period of more of the same, soon.But here you are, today, in a relatively quiet place with the past behind you and a little bit of time before the next thing starts.There's a chance you don't even know if there will be a next thing.Or what it might look like.There's that distinct possibility that you'll completely shift your sights and do something altogether new.So here you are, my friend.And it feels...weird, to tell the truth. Because you have always thought of yourself as a doer. A high-achiever, even.What's with all this nothing going on?It's like, "shouldn't I be doing something?"Like, "I don't know what the hell I should be doing."Like, "I always thought I wanted one thing but now I'm not so sure."Like, "I feel like a total slacker but, wow, I am exhausted right down to my bones."This.This moment right now.This one. Right here.Is OK.Absolutely OK.It's OK to be between. It's OK to not know. It's OK to rest.This is precisely what the space in-between is for.And if you fully stretch into the moment you're in, and relax, and free yourself to consider your options unbound by the rules of the past, you might just find that the in-between time becomes the most productive time you've ever experienced. 


Pay Attention To Taylor Swift. Really.


Making A Plan (That Works)