day lilies Little tiny seeds get planted.Maybe they're put there on purpose. Who knows how?Maybe the wind blows them across water and over mountains to land where they land.And they sink down into the soil, waiting, waiting, waiting.Waiting for that moment when it's the right time to start sending out roots.Then shoots.Green upstarts, breaking through the nurturing, sheltering soil and bursting into the light.After a particularly grueling winter, it feels like there's finally an opening. Last week's snow has turned into a sea of hopeful green-ness.And a wide and beckoning ocean of possibility.Do you feel it, too?Now is the time to open your arms wide in a loving embrace of all that is spring.With a deep breath, brush off what's past and open up to all that's here for you, right now.Lift your head from all the tasks on your list, and take a good look at all the change around you.It's staggering, isn't it?You're living amidst change you can use to spark your own renewal and growth.Every one of these spring days gives a visible reminder of what's possible. Which is - anything.Anything and everything is possible in days such as these.Welcome spring and the many opportunities borne on your breezes. 


Time To Make A Statement


Tell Me, Who Are You?