WiseWork: Working Smart With Heart

So, it looks like it's going to be a big year for you and me.

This year, we're going to have A Theme. A focus. Something to guide us through.

I've decided on "WiseWork", because - let's be honest - where do you spend the vast majority of your waking hours every day? Where's most of your energy? Your focus?

Even if you don't have a job-job, you're doing something with your day, aren't you? You're looking for your next thing, you're a full-time parent, you're a retiree.

Doesn't matter what you do all day - what matters is how you do it.

You've got a choice, so why not do it smart? Wisely. Thoughtfully. With heart.

Because your day can be more about just showing up. It can be about making a difference, and having the opportunity to be you at your absolute best. Having the opening to deliver results that are important and satisfying to you - delivered from a place of honesty and generosity, collaboration and connection.

You at your best, doing what you do well.

That's what WiseWork is all about.

All year, I'll be blogging on ideas, approaches, tips, tactics and resources to help you work smart with heart. I'm also starting an internet radio show - WiseWork - where I'll interview authors, experts and regular folks who have something to share. I'm happy that Harvard Business School Publishing is making some of their writers available to me as guests from time to time throughout the year. The first show is Tuesday, January 15th at 2pm ET - plan on joining me then by logging in to BlogTalkRadio.

In related news, I'm also bringing on two fantastic coaches who will be working with me to handle the clients on my wait list, expand the concepts and to offer WiseWork programs within organizations. I've trained both of these highly-skilled, highly compassionate coaches, and I know you are going to love what they bring to the table. I've also partnered with an outstanding executive recruiter who will coach and write resumes and update LinkedIn profiles for our clients  - making sure the end result is exactly what recruiters want to see.

That's smart.

More on these new team members soon, but trust me - they are at their absolute best when they're coaching. For them, it's their WiseWork.

One other thing, I'm also going to be offering free teleclasses throughout the year which you can listen to live, or via recording.

All designed to help you move from here --------------------> to there.

So your work can have the resonance, meaning and power that you want it to have.

So you can get ahead, sure - if that's what you want. Get promoted, get a raise, absolutely - without having to sell your soul or compromise your integrity to get there.

Sure, start your own business - and have it reflect what it is you're here to do in the world.

Speak in front of audiences, balance your life, get what you want.

Maybe you'll even finally figure out what it is you want. And, together, we'll figure out how you can finally make it happen.

It's all a part of the WiseWork year you and I are about to share.

Bring it on, baby. I am so ready.


It Starts With Your Energy


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