Who Learned Most?
I don't know if any of you have ever stood at the front of the room, with a group of learners seated before you. I don't know if you've ever stood there, realizing that they are all looking to you. For guidance. For direction. For knowledge.Don't know if you've shared this teaching moment as a part of a team - a team of people who are really smart, and wise, and committed to their craft.
I don't know if you've seen the moment when the lightbulb comes on and a learner becomes a knower.
Or witnessed that moment when individual learners shift into groups of friends, who support each other.
I don't know that you have, but I hope you will someday.Because that's what I've had this weekend at the Revenue Rocks program, and the way I'm feeling today? Can't be beat.I feel proud.And accomplished.And wowed.And humbled.My heart is full to the bursting, knowing that people who rolled into DC for this event not knowing what was next for them and for their businesses...now know.They had forgotten what they really do best, and how to bring those gifts to the world. But now? Now, oh now they know for sure.And they have a plan. Or make that "plans". And they're going to do stuff. Really do stuff.They are going to change lives.And to tell you the truth, this morning I'm feeling that the first life they have changed is mine.Thank you, Dixie St. John, for the logistical support, and the heart.Thank you, Kelly Pratt, for the workbook design.Deep gratitude and thanks to Jeannette Maw, Fabeku Fatunmise and Nona Jordan, who brought insights, perspectives, know-how and tenderness to their teaching, and whose synergy was a thing of beauty.And sincere thanks to every individual in that room, who showed up. Who risked. Who dared. Who imagined. Who planned. Your vision and intention are breath-taking.For those not in the room, let me leave you with a few questions and perhaps you can launch a part of your journey today, along with all the Revenue Rocks folks. Ready?Who are you at your best? What does that tell you about what needs to happen next? What would feel fun and effortless to do right now?OK - go.