You Are What You Choose

 You have a lot of options.You may not feel that way right at this very moment. You may feel rather claustrophobic and limited. Or stuck.Or, you see endless possibilities and aren't sure which one to pursue.Either way, it's all about your choices - cuz you've got 'em. You just have to make 'em.So commit to good choosing:

Choose the things that feel right, in your bones. Regardless of the naysayers.

Even if you are that naysayer.

Choose to do something today that you'll be proud of in twelve months.

Choose to be honorable.

Choose, in every situation with another person,  to look the other guy in the eye, ask good questions, and listen well.

And do the same thing when you're with yourself.In all things, choose to be decent. To be kind. To be human.

And while it is entirely human to want to win, let go of the need to one-up everyone else. You will find that when you let go of the neurotic, anxiously striving need to beat others, you allow winning to naturally unfold. On your terms.For you.Because when you're not anxiously striving, you're free to push yourself to the place you need to be.Choices, then, are ultimately about internal drive, not external forces compelling you.Choosing is about your own performance, not other people's competition.It's about wanting to, not having to.It's all about your path.Yours.  Nobody else's.So, choose well.Choose today. 


"On My Way."


Songs of Summer 2012