Being Yourself

  It might be alongside a river.Or a lake.Or a creek.Or the ocean.Maybe the Gulf.Could be on a mountain trail.Or a forest hike.Or just a stroll through the city.It could be a empty canyon.A flat prairie expanse.Or certain bustling neighborhood.The place where you hear the call of a particular bird.Might be a quiet spot in a gallery where one vibrant painting hangs.Could be a coffee shop.A porch.Wherever it is, it's your place.And when you're there, you feel filled up.Alive.Restored.Fully yourself.And if you haven't been there in a long time...You need to get there.In person,Or in conscious and flowing memory.Feel the place. Smell it. See it.Be reminded.Breathe deep.Revive your soul.Stretch your arms out wide, and be yourself.  


Every Man's Journey


I Know You Can - But Will You?