Michele Woodward Consulting

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300 Daggone Blog Posts

This is my 300th blog post.Three hundred.That's three hundred Sundays. Three hundred individual posts of about 600 words each - more than 180,000 words over the last six years.And, upon review, probably at least ten thousand exclamation points! [What can I say, I'm enthusiastically excitable!]That first post, on October 26, 2006, didn't even have a title.  It just said:

"Each week, I’ll be writing here on a topic of interest. As an Executive Life Coach, I work everyday with people who question whether they’re in the right job — or the right relationship. They ask how they can have more satisfaction in their lives, how they can be clear on their values and goals, how they can find and live their passions…

I’ll be addressing these things and others — so check back in every Monday for thoughts, tips and resources to help you make the most of your life!"

[Note how I laid down an exclamation point right at the end - first of many, obviously.]The next blog post, Context is Everything, makes me wince, and squinch up my eyes like I do when I hear nails on chalkboard. Perhaps I'm like those actors who can't bear to watch themselves on film - frankly, I prefer to write, get it out there and not look back. Re-reading this one, I sense my first-time uncertainty, anxiety, worry, what-the-hell-am-I-doing fear. Poor little old nervous 2006 me.But you have to start somewhere, and that was my start.People often ask me how I can write 600 words every week for so many years. Where do the ideas come from? What's my process?I usually make up an elaborate story about struggle, sacrifice, and angst (and pirates or Vikings) that seems to satisfy them, they go away and I feel extremely relieved.Because the truth is, I have a weird process - if you can even call it that.Here's what I do: I start looking for a topic in the beginning of the week. I keep my ears open and hear what my clients and friends are talking about. Throughout the week, I turn ideas over and play with phrases and concepts.And then on Saturday, or even Sunday, I sit down to write. Doesn't take too long.Because it's pretty much fully written in my head.When I look at that very first post - where I promised to write on topics of interest to you - kind of astounding in retrospect that I've hewed pretty close to those subjects for nearly six years.And I appreciate each of you who read what I write. I appreciate your kind notes to me after you've read something I've posted. I appreciate the thoughtful comments you leave at michelewoodward.com.I love when you suggest topics.I really love that.But most of all, I so very deeply appreciate that every week you invite me into your lives. You allow me to share my thoughts, my learning and my experience. You give me a place to be fully myself, and I write each week in the hope that you can have a place to be fully yourselves, too.Yes, writing this blog has taken focus, and diligence, and - sometimes - courage.But it's been fun. And I've liked it. And you seem to like it.So I'll make this deal with you: If you'll keep having me, I'll keep going.Who knows where the next 300 Sundays will take us, but it'll be so great to get there together.Exclamation point.