Be It Resolved

 WHEREAS, 2011 was a bad year for tyrants, terrorists and repressive regimes around the world; and,WHEREAS, sometimes offices and workplace settings can mimic authoritative empires; and,WHEREAS, the world of work has radically changed, making it even more important for you to see yourself as fully in charge of your career and future; and,WHEREAS, the thing that has often challenged you is being a good enough advocate for yourself; and,WHEREAS, you might also just be a little bit of a people-pleaser, which only means something you learned at one time in your life no longer suits you at this point; and,WHEREAS, breaking a life-long habit can be a big challenge; and,WHEREAS, you know breaking that habit is the only way to get ahead and live the life you envision; and,WHEREAS, surprisingly enough, you can easily get all the help and support you need to make this change simply by asking people you trust to give you a hand,NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that you will begin to shift your situation by taking small steps to learn be the self-mentor, self-advocate, self-champion you need to be

  1. You will say no, and
  2. You will honor your own preferences and assert them appropriately, and
  3. You will take the risks required to grow, even if they feel way too big, and
  4. You will not be afraid to be a person of integrity and authenticity, and
  5. You will find that by doing so you will actively move to reduce your stress, and
  6. You will stop feeling like you continually lose.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that you will stand up to office bullies and authoritarian tyrants, armed with integrity, confidence, candor and focus, thereby giving yourself the relief you deserve, and the kind of life you want.RATIFIED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT this 1st day of January, 2012.[Your signature here]   




Let This Glorious Day Begin