What Did You Do?

 I love this time of year.  Yes, the spirit and the festivities and the cool snap in the air.  Love that.But I also love this time of year because of a reflective ritual I always perform - by myself, and for myself.Every December, I sit down and write down my 25 Accomplishments for the Year.Now, I know - twenty-five seems like a lot. Especially this year. Especially when you think the only accomplishments that matter are things like:

1.  Cured cancer.

2. Brought peace to the Middle East.

3. Joined the 1%.

4. Married a Kardashian.

But your own accomplishments are whatever you say they are. Case in point, how about the sweeping magnitude of this item from my own list:

16.  Took my medicine daily.

Sounds pretty trivial, huh?  Plus, taking medicine is something I "should" do, right?  OK, but you know plenty of people don't take what's prescribed to them, don't you?  It's ultimately a choice for health, wellness and self-care, and it's a choice I'm conscious of making every day since I was treated for thyroid cancer in 2008.I'm proud of this accomplishment, as small as it may seem in comparison to having your own TV reality show.Yep, when I look at my list, I realize just how productive I've been this year, creating several new programs and earning more income than ever before.Ever.Now, there's an accomplishment that feels really good.All my accomplishments feel good, to tell you the truth, once I put them on paper and honored them.My list of 25 Accomplishments - overachiever that I am, turned out to be 28 items - gave me a launching point to look at how my accomplishments line up with my key values. Know your own values? Think about the things that light you up, the things that are vitally important, the things you can't live without. For me, it's:

  • Taking care of my financial, spiritual and emotional health
  • Being a good enough parent
  • Leading
  • Learning

Being the nerdy geek girl that I am, I actually tabulated how many of my accomplishments related to one or more of my values, using teeny-tiny hash marks.  And guess what?  That information is already pointing me to what I want to do more of in 2012.Sweet.And useful. Practical. And really productive.Want to give it a shot yourself? Hey, if you need some help figuring it all out, download the Personal Planning Tool for 2012 - available at my website as my gift to you. You can use the Tool to review 2011, identify your accomplishments, and get your thoughts together for what you'd like to get done next year.And if you want, you can take it to a whole other level by making another list - let's call it The Gratitude List.  Can you list 25 people or things you're grateful for?I can.  Again, the overachiever in me found twenty-six items to list, but let me tell you about:

10.  The kindness of strangers.


11.  People who help me when I ask.

Kinda linked, yet kinda not.  But I'll tell you, I could never have had as many accomplishments in 2011 if it hadn't been for #10 and #11.If it hadn't been for you.Because you are on my Gratitude List. You readers and clients, family and friends.Oh, you're on my List. Right up there at the top.Right where you belong.  


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