The Unstuck Process

  I'd say there's a process.Maybe the first step is realizing something's not working.Some folks stop right there, thinking that they don't have enough power, energy and oomph to change things.These are my people.The second step is entertaining ideas that just might solve the problem.And folks stop here, too, mostly thinking of ways to eliminate options rather than grow them.These are my people.The third step is implementing the idea or ideas that have a chance of working.Believe me - folks stop here.  Dead stop. Terrified.Because sometimes it's a slog and it's hard and the odds of success look like 125,000,000 to 1, and why not stop already?I love these people.And then there's the fourth step.Boy, this step is great.It's where people look up in wide-eyed wonder and say, "Wow.  It worked."That's the kind of people you can be.I have a new process to help people get through the first three steps.  The fourth step?  Kinda takes care of itself.From everything I've learned over the years, plus some new research and ideas, I've developed 20 powerful questions which take 30 minutes to answer.Yes, it's an extremely efficient process.And you end up identifying one thing - one - that is keeping you stuck.  One thing you can do just a little bit differently, and unlock your time and energy so you can move on to the place you want to be.Will it work?Well, what if I told you that if you keep going the way you're going now, that in two years all you'd have to show for your effort is more of the same?More stuck.More misery.More pain.More bleah.If that sounds fantastic to you, then this process is not for you.But, if the prospect of two more years of what you've got right now makes you feel nauseous, then let me give you hope.I've tested this process on myself and on several clients.  One said, "I felt refreshed and uplifted. It's like this tool shifted my perception to a different part of my brain."  Another said, "And up until our call yesterday, and that beautiful question about what would it be like if you were in the same place two years from now…  I don't know that I would have been able to put the puzzle pieces together.  I don't know that I would have been able to consider other possibilities other than the brick wall that I seem to keep running into when I think about the topic."Another?  "I also liked some of your questions about what we want to future to look like, in positive words, how would we feel if three years from now we were still in this same position; and what has to change/what is in the way of making this happen? Michele, thank you so much for helping me move forward with my business. I can't tell you enough how you have helped me break through barriers and given me hope for a better future."So, step one - let's take it on. You up for it?You know, I rarely try to sell you anything.  But this process? It's something else.  And I think you will really benefit.  Or I wouldn't offer it to you.I'm doing a special offer for November - give me 30 minutes and get unstuck.Go here to schedule your phone appointment:  Calendar.And pay $100 by clicking on this link:  PayPal.Because you?  You're my kind of people. And all I want for you is to be saying, "Wow.  Wow. Wow." 


Small Change.


I Am A Loser