Start Something New

 It's time.Today.Right now.It's time to start something new.If for no other reason than because it's September.And since your school days, September has always meant a fresh start.A new box of pencils and a Big Chief tablet.  A killer pair of jeans and a fierce haircut.  The prospect of anything-could-happen adventures.Oh, I just love me some September.And how about you? I know you have that thing you've been thinking about.  You've been mulling it over all summer.  Ruminating, even. And you've been wondering how and when to get started.Hey, there's no more perfect time to start something new than September.[You've known that to be true since you were six, haven't you?]So let's get going.Start by dreaming and visualizing what it's going to be like when that thing you want is done, finished and in place. Feel that feeling. Claim it. Own it.Then, break it down.  What needs doing until what you want is completely done?What's the first thing? Go ahead - do that little thing.Then do the second thing you need to do to get it all done.Do the next thing.  And the thing after that.Feel what you're doing as you're doing it. Claim it. Own it.And, thing by thing, you will welcome growth, learning and achievement into your life.

You can get that new job.

You can start walking more.

You can have that hard conversation.

You can choose vegetables more often.

You can finally decide.

You can be centered, calm and peaceful.

It's totally doable.How do I know?  Simple - it's doable because it's September.The Month of Something New. 


The Bluest Sky


That Hard Conversation