Summer Dreaming

 I don't know about you, but I want to:

Read an entire book in one day.

Eat popsicles after each meal.

Take two naps daily.

Ride a bike with a monkey bar, and streamers on the handles.

Use Sun-In.

Watch ants parade.

Teach toddlers about bubbles.

Listen to the afternoon rain fall on the roof.


Laugh with old friends.

Make new friends.

Feel the sun on my shoulders.

Enjoy this summer.

Because all work and no play makes me a very dull girl.Because play excites my soul.Because I'm better when I'm relaxed and anti-frantic.[Bet you are, too.]So what are your summer dreams?Wanna have a popsicle and think it over?Why not go ahead and have two and get started?

[photo credit: Michele Woodward]




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