What I Want For You

I want you to maximize your potential.

You're always at your best when you center in your strengths and focus on your true priorities.

When you know your values and serve them daily.

When you accept who you are and get to the place of self-respect and self-love.

When you live the life you were meant to live.

I want you to be able to make your career work for you, rather than the other way around.

You can be yourself and succeed.

There are no "shoulds", only choices.

You are the best expert on you - not your boss, not your co-workers, not anyone else. You.

Stress can be a motivator, but too much of it saps your energy and makes you sick.  Workplace drama masquerading as "stress" is pointless.

You have the capacity to design a life that's right for you.  On all counts.

I want you to be supremely clear.

So you can make the best possible decisions for yourself.

Without getting stuck.

Or hung up.

Because good decisions beget more good decisions. And I want more good in your life.But most of all, I want you to be happy.  I want you to wake up ready to engage with the day.  To have that energetic kind of enthusiasm that makes work feel effortless.  To enjoy what you're doing so much that you lose track of time. To go to bed feeling fulfilled, connected and satisfied.  To have fun.I want all of this for you.And that's why I do what I do.Thanks for letting me.


Michele Has Lost Her Mind


The Only List That Matters