It's Hard (At The Beginning)

Sometimes we don't even want to start.  Because we know it will be hard.Maybe too hard.Maybe we'll fail.So we don't start.At all.We live in perpetual waiting - waiting for the time that doing the thing won't be hard at all.Sometimes that's a long time to wait. Feels like forever.Forever is a long time. But now is right here.So, take a deep breath. Let's acknowledge that it can be hard at the beginning.But then it gets easier.Like when you took your first wobbly walk.  What if your parents said, "Now, walking is hard. You can fall and hurt yourself. Why don't you wait until you can do it flawlessly?"But they didn't say that, did they?  They applauded your every step, and probably snapped your picture a time or two. And called Grandma to crow about you and your success.You smiled your drooly smile and kept going.And at some point, you could run.And it wasn't hard.It was fun.That's still the promise.Keep going.  Even when it's hard.  You're learning, you're figuring it out.And, soon, you'll be running, effortlessly.Free.


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