Your Wish Is My Command

Big happy thanks to each of you who took the time to answer my short survey this week. There's still time if you'd like to give me your thoughts, so click here to go to the survey.

I learned a lot from you all.

First, more of you would like an opportunity to work with me.

You'd like lower cost programs, designed to help you with your career or your business.

You'd like self-paced programs.

You'd like to see me collaborate more.

Which is really cool, because that's the same stuff I've been thinking about.

So, let me make two announcements which will go right to the heart of the matter.

First, a very low-cost/high reward opportunity. You may remember the November free call where I talked with my friend, Good Vibe Coach Jeannette Maw, about aligning values, priorities and intentions. It was one of the most downloaded classes either Jeannette or I have ever seen. So, we figured, hey, why not do more of that?

We've decided to do a monthly conversation on a subject of interest - the first one will be on that perennial Big Issue: money. If you want to listen live and have the chance to ask questions, it's a monthly subscription of only $9. And, you'll get the recording, too. If you just want the recording, it's $5. Simple. Easy. Fun. Want to sign up? Go right to: Listen In On Michele and Jeannette.

Second, so many of you are in the place where you need to reinvent your lives... You're looking at a Second Act that may just change your life, and it's kind of scary and there's no roadmap and how's it all going to work out? Good news, I can help you there.

My friend, author Mary Beth Sammons, wrote the best-selling Second Acts That Change Lives: Making A Difference In The World.  We've adapted the material from her book - and added tools and tactics from my coaching practice - to create a fabulous month-long telecourse will to help turn the “someday I’d love to” into “today I will”. For more information, check out: Second Acts That Change Your Life.

And, because we know many of you want to launch your second act by writing a blog... we're offering two classes on blogging. Mary Beth is a fantastic editor and writer - she was a columnist at the Chicago Tribune and has written for magazines, and online outlets like,, and She's a pro and I'm happy to partner with her. Info on the blog classes can also be found at Second Acts That Change Your Life.

One more thing I'm working on in response to your requests - I'm preparing some workbooks for you to help you solve issues you face in your career. How to deal with difficult people. How to do a job search. How to ace an interview. How to get clear. How to really know what it is you want. I'll be rolling these out as soon as I complete them. Stay tuned for more information, willya?

Bottom line: I am so grateful for each of you who read what I write and take the time to tell me what it is that you really want. I promise I will do my best to deliver. And maybe, just maybe, I'll create some stuff that will surprise you, delight you and make you think.

Oh, and get you to a very happy, purposeful life, too.


Busy But Not Productive


I'm Sorry, I Can't