Money Changes Everything


Let me shoot straight with you.

Most of your biggest problems stem from fear.

And most of your biggest fears boil down to money.

Will I have enough?

Will I have enough to do all the things I should do?  Buy the things I should buy?

Will I fit in with my peers if I don't have $150 jeans or regular Botox injections or trips to Disney World?

What if I have too much, and don't fit in?  What if I become everyone's piggybank?

What if I lose everything?  What would people think?

We place so much meaning on money.

What I'm paid reflects my value to society.

If you give me money, you must like me.

Money is the way to get the power to do what you want.

And there's the negative about money.

People with money are unhappy, egotistical jerks.

Money changes everything.  For the worse.

These fundamental, underlying, limiting ideas around money don't really help you - they only serve to hold you back.  You don't ask for the raise, because you're afraid you'll find out what your boss really thinks about you. Which is - you fear - not much.

Or you decline to negotiate your child support agreement because you fear you'll be reminded that your ex disliked you enough to end your marriage.

It's a potent cocktail of emotion.  And some of you have ordered a double.  On the rocks.

But, believe me, money can be simple.  It can be easier. Know how?

Do this: Shift to seeing money as a tool.  Just a tool.  Not a referendum on you as a person.  Or your value to society. Or your desirability.

Swap out your troubling money thoughts for this: "Money is a tool that will allow me to do things in support of my priorities."

Of course, you need to know your priorities.  And be very clear on them.  And make sure they're your priorities, and not the priorities of your parents, your grandparents, your peers or any of the Kardashian sisters.

Because, in the long run, taking care of your financial health is the ultimate expression of self-care.

When I take good care of my financial health, I am taking good care of me.  And of my priorities, goals and intentions.

And when I am free of  limiting, negative, fearful attitudes toward money, I can easily ask my clients to pay me, or ask my boss for a raise.  I can make wise purchases and investments that support me and where I want to go.  When I am clear, I am the best advocate for myself.

When I stop operating from fear around money, I naturally move to living in comfort with money. I go from "can't" to "can." I move from lack to abundance, spontaneously.

It's not that money changes everything, honey.  It's your attitude around money that truly changes things.  Let it be for the better.


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