Want to take a walk with me? Let's walk back through some of our favorite blog posts of the year, shall we? And feel free to dawdle wherever you want.

We looked at a big, honking question on February 8th - What's Your Why? Using the book Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl as a framework, I talked about how to figure out your own, personal "Why?" so it's easier to get to the "What?" and the "How?"

Power Talk on February 15th was all about how to nail a job interview, or shore up your position at work. "Why not use this question — “what are your expectations for me in the coming months?” — with your boss, or your board, or, if you’re brave enough, with your subordinates? Why not use this question to touch base, and to “sell” yourself and your abilities?"

The Absence of Perfect, Part 2 on March 1st looked at perfectionism: "You can hold on to your idea of “perfect” or, as I suggest, you can ask yourself, 'what’s my best option right now?'"

Meeting Faith on April 12th was a personal favorite. I really did meet Faith. On an airplane. And she's a PhD candidate with a fascinating personal story. Meeting Faith restored my faith that strangers are just friends I haven't met yet.

Do Less, Get More from May 24th was not a slacker's mantra, but rather an explanation of my 100 Units Of Energy theory. Oh, and it comes with a free recording!

Change your thoughts, change your life. That was the subject of A New Normal on May 31st. "When normal’s not working for you, just make a new normal." Sounds so easy, doesn't it?

Deep in the throes of writing a book that is still in process, I shared How To Tell A Story on June 7th, which debuted my simple tool: Now Words/Future Words. When you look at how things are now compared to how you'd like things to look in the future, you can consciously shift away from stuff that's limiting you - toward stuff you really want.

Did I tell you about Meeting Sandra Day O'Connor? Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. On June 28th. This is a post about authenticity and knowing oneself. As Madame Justice clearly does (for those keeping track, this is the post about Being Your Own Buddha).

More Than Anything from July 26th, asked: "'What do you want more than anything right now?' Stop. You have an immediate answer, don’t you? That’s your gut talking to you." Listen.

What's The Point? on August 2 struck a chord with, "Never confuse urgency and drama with meaning and purpose.”

And this one was an eye-opener. Mama Ain't Happy from September 20th discussed the disturbing findings that once a woman hits 47, her happiness declines rather dramatically. How to cope? Well, I urge women to... misbehave. Yep, misbehave and have fun.

In You on October 18, I talked about how you can change your language and find your power. It's as simple as changing "don't" to "will".

As in, "I will keep writing my blog in 2010" And, I will. Every week. I thank each of you for reading, and for sharing posts that resonate with your friends and family. It's a pleasure, a privilege and a responsibility to write - and an honor when you tell me that something I've written has touched your life.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the connection between us. Bring on 2010. We're ready, so let's get going.


Happy New (Fill In The Blank)!


Inside And Out