Survey Says!

Thanks to everyone who responded to my survey in the last couple of weeks. If you haven't had the chance yet, and would like to give me your two cents -- Michele Woodward's Survey.

The results so far have been extremely helpful. I have a good sense of what you like, and what you'd like more of. And I'm going to give it to you.

First, you want more free stuff.

To that end, I'm going to start offering a free class every month via conference call. The first one will be on managing your anxiety around the economy, your job, and the future. I think I will call it "Yikes! What's Going On With the Economy!"(working title, natch) Scheduled for noon (eastern) Friday, March 27th, you can access the call by dialing 712/941-0216 and enter PIN 987411.

I'll explain some ideas, teach some practical coping tools, then we'll have time for you to ask me any question you've got on your mind.

Think it's going to be great.

Second, you want some lower cost stuff.

To that end, I'll throw this out there. I love doing small group coaching. Love, love, love it. So if you have a group of people who are all facing the same kinds of issues -- going back to work, starting a business, looking for a job, facing an empty nest, reinventing lives -- think about forming a coaching group. I will facilitate, teach, lead, design the program, and be the coach to everyone. It's a cost-effective way to get moving forward, with the added benefit of moving forward with supportive, like-minded people.

If you build it, I will come.

In the next six weeks, I'm going to a trade association, a law firm, a women's group, a mom's group at a church, and maybe to a hedge fund company, to give presentations and classes. Several survey respondents said they wished I had more in-person classes they could attend.

I'd love that, too.

Problem is -- space. So, if you have space and would like to host a series of classes, let me know. I'd love to offer this kind of service.

And, speaking of service, in response to several of you, I'm offering a special package to help you prepare for job interviews or performance reviews. Quick, focused, to-the-point coaching sessions and you'll walk into the meeting prepared for success. If you're at the place where you want to have an edge that puts you over the top, this package may just be the thing for you. Call me.

I'm going to continue to offer book recommendations, because everyone seems to enjoy those. Even me! And you gave me some great insight into other blog topics you want to see. Know what the most popular topic is? Getting clear on priorities. I promise we'll do work on that in the months to come.

One great suggestion that I'd also like to implement -- you know I love connecting people to other people, to things or to ideas that help them solve their problems. So how about this nifty idea? If you have a product or a service that might be useful or interesting to other readers, let me know. I'm going to make that a new feature in upcoming newsletters.

So, lots of great changes as a result of your thoughtful input. I really appreciate the time you took and the generosity of spirit you each showed. Thanks to you, I can do more of what I'm good at -- on terms that mean more to you.

Can't get much better than that.


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