The Power of You

There's a quote I particularly love... do you know it?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."(Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love)

When I work with people -- whether they're looking for a job, or trying to do the job they have better, whether they have a big decision to make or a crisis to handle -- they focus on where they feel weak. Time after time I see people stuck and wallowing in their deficit, when the only solution is to stand in their strengths.

To allow themselves to be powerful beyond measure.

What do I mean? How do you shift from a position of weakness to strength?

It's not waiting for someone else to give you permission to do what's best for you.

It's saying what you need to say -- including the word "no" -- rather than what you're expected to say.

It's doing more of what you're good at and that you like, rather than doing things that sap you.

It's about knowing, deeply, yourself and loving everything about you. Even the extra pounds, the bad hair days, the annoying habits, the fear. 'Cuz once you love that about yourself, you are open to loving it about others.

When you stand in your power, you become powerful beyond measure. I'm not talking about the kind of power that gives you dominion over others or makes you rich or famous. I'm talking about the kind of power that makes you clear. Happy. Certain. Authentic.

I'm talking about the power that you already have inside you. I'm talking about The Power of You.

It's right there inside you -- all your strengths, gifts and talents. All you have to do is use them. Every day. And you will profoundly change your life.


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