Holding On In A Crisis

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Distress may express itself in many ways. But if you can keep your eyes and your heart open, you will find that relief comes in unexpected forms, too."

I scribbled this sentiment on my Facebook page after a particularly tough couple of days for some of my favorite clients.Stuff was happening. Stuff they didn't like, and couldn't control. Stuff that has deep implications for what the future may hold.I felt for them, I truly did. And as their coach, my biggest job was to challenge their assumptions. And to give them a couple of key things to focus on through their continuing trials.Like, "you get to decide how you're going to be in this world - who do you want to be?"Like, "don't let someone else's drama affect your sense of purpose."Like, "do something today you can be proud of a year from now."Like, "you always win when you play to your strengths."I know that if, in the midst of chaos, you can hold on to who you are at your very best - and be it - you're going to be fine. If, when challenged, you can hang on to your integrity, your kindness, your smarts - it all works out for the best.And at the very least you can live with yourself a year from now.Amazing things happens when you are true to yourself in the middle of crisis. Know what the best one is?You draw like-minded people and useful things to you. Just when you need them most.This sort of kismet-y serendipity becomes your regular portion when you are in alignment with who you're meant to be in this spinning world of ours. So, sometimes it may feel like one door closes and all the windows stay shut, too. But when you're in the right place doing the right thing something unexpected always shows up and points you to an utterly lovely house with all windows and doors wide open to you. And they're open right at this very moment.All you have to do is keep your eyes and heart open to the opportunities which come your way. Even the unexpected opportunities.And there are going to be a lot of 'em. 

[photo credit: Michele Woodward]


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