Michele Woodward Consulting

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How To Have Your Worst Year Ever. Guaranteed.

  Calendar 2015 vector design template You want to ensure you have the worst possible 2015? Honey, it's so easy to do!  Just be mindful of these things:1. Be suspicious

This is your foundational building block to a really horrible year, and here's how you get started: Imagine that everyone in the world is out to get you. They want to steal your wallet, your passwords and your identity. Given half a chance, everyone out there would do something bad. Be on your guard 24/7. Hyper-vigilance and darting eyes, that's what's required.

2. Keep secrets

Since everyone is out to get you, there is no one you can trust. Not even yourself. So don't say anything to anyone at any time about anything important . For god's sake, don't share information with your co-workers - even those on your team - because then they might get something over on you. And, please, please, please don't tell your spouse what you're really thinking, or about your spending, or your secret stock accounts. Or about the pool boy. No, keep all that close to the vest, just to make sure you get the year you really want.

3. Lie, cheat and steal

Hey, if they really cared about their stuff, they'd take better care of it! You've gotta to get yours, right? By any means necessary, because the ends always justify the means.

4. Expect the worst

Because you know it will probably happen. You didn't just fall off the turnip truck - you know how things really work. I mean, the day you say you're happy about something is the very day you'll get that bad diagnosis, or get in a car crash, or your kid will do something stupid. It's always been like that and always will be.

5. Know that any compliment you get is a fake

Anyone who compliments you is likely up to no good (See #1, above). They only want something from you, like your money. Or your car. Or to leave you in the morning. Pay special attention to people who say nice things like they believe them - who do they think they are, anyway? They're so full of crap.

6. Be certain that there's nothing left to learn

You already know what you're doing. There's no reason to learn anything new this year - it's a waste of time and if you're not good at it the first try what's the point? You're never going to get any better, so why keep doing trying? Better to just know what you know, do it the way you know and keep it at that.

7. Criticize yourself relentlessly

You're not thin enough. Your calves are really too skinny, though. You haven't gotten ahead like you should have. Your hair is frizzy. And thinning. You're old. Or you're too young to break in. Everyone wears better clothes than you do. See? If you criticize yourself enough then no one can tell you anything you don't know. Because there's nothing left to learn (#6), right?

8. & 9.  Hide your mistakes and blame others

These two go together because what really works to have a horrible year is pretending you are absolutely perfect and then, if something goes wrong you simply blame it on someone else! Or circumstances out of your control - like... global warming. Or parallel parking. Or spring. And, since you're already keeping secrets, then hiding mistakes is super easy, and finding someone - anyone - to blame for what may or may not have happened when you were or maybe weren't even there that day keeps your fingerprints off any mess.

10. You don't need new friends

Anybody new who wants to be your friend probably has a screw loose or has an agenda (see how suspicious you can be?! You've really got that one down!). Friends, schmiends - you already have enough friends, plus people are such a pain. Who needs 'em?

Yes, if you want to have The Worst Year in Your Entire Life simply follow the ten rules above and you will find - with absolute certainty...That you get exactly what you expect.