Michele Woodward Consulting

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Really Can't Wait

  There's often a very rational, reasonable cycle people like me suggest to people like you:

Dream it ->Vision it -> Feel it -> Break it down into doable chunks ->Start doing those chunks, one by one by one -> Steadily, slowly, carefully, collect data along the way and adjust your actions or your dreams accordingly.

Jeez, that sounds deathly boring when I write it out like that. And time-consuming. And dull.Watching-paint-dry slow, even.When I see people who are stuck or struggling, even though they're doing everything they should and following the "process" to a T, there's something vital missing: they don't really know why they're doing it.Motivation is the "why" you want to do a thing - like get a job, or get a contract, or get a client. Why write a book, or make a film? Why create something? Why do it?You say: "Because I paid all this money for the degree, so I guess I should..." Or, "What would people say if I wasn't a doctor/lawyer/Indian Chief after all this time?" Or maybe your answer is more like: "Everyone's doing it - maybe that's my ticket to Easy Street at last."[And you wonder why you're stuck and nothing's happening.]You're stuck because those things aren't truly motivating - they're all about fear. And fear will stop you in your tracks.Most of the time, fear whispers "Wait. Slow down. Stop." while motivation shouts, "Go. Do. Don't wait. Can't wait."That's it, right there. The thing I've seen in the most successful people I've ever known:

The spirit of can't wait.

In many forms, can't wait is extremely motivating. There's the excited, toes-curled-up kind of "can't wait!" or the seize-the-moment, the-time-is-now "can't wait." And there's also the compelling, creative, "this idea cannot wait inside me - it must come out."If you're dawdling, and can't seem to make anything happen even though you've dreamed and visioned and felt it in your body and broken it down into manageable steps, maybe... maybe take a step back, and ask yourself "where's my can't wait on this thing?"If you answer, "can't find it", then stop banging your head against the wall and look for something else that feels exciting, timely and compelling.And if your answer is, "It can wait" then take a break and focus on other things that cannot wait. It's likely that you have something else going on in your life which needs your full attention.But if you answer, "Yep. I cannot wait to get this going! The time is now! I have to!" - guess what?You will. And nothing - nothing, not even fear - will hold you back.Stop waiting. Know your why. Start your doing.It really can't wait.