Michele Woodward Consulting

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All The Cool Kids

All the cool kids do 5am spinning classes.All the cool kids are into yoga.All the cool kids are in the river, floating on inner tubes with a six-pack trailing behind. All the cool kids make millions each year working on a laptop at their local Starbucks.All the cool kids work for non-profits.All the cool kids hunt. All the cool kids eat quinoa and flax.All the cool kids eat vindaloo.All the cool kids eat hot wings. All the cool kids wear Prada.All the cool kids wear Birkenstocks.All the cool kids wear Wranglers. All the cool kids have an endless travel budget.All the cool kids go on silent meditation retreats.All the cool kids go to the amusement park on the Fourth of July. All the cool kids commune with nature in mountaintop lodges owned by wealthy friends.All the cool kids hike.All the cool kids fish. All the cool kids have assistants.All the cool kids use antique fountain pens on recycled rag paper.All the cool kids have several step-kids. All the cool kids live in New York.All the cool kids live in Sedona.All the cool kids live in Ohio. So, how about it , you wanna be a cool kid?Plenty of choices above.Kinda confusing and conflicting choices.A little overwhelming.How do you sort out what it takes to be cool?Cinchy.Believe it or not, there is a little voice in you that knows. Knows how you are at your coolest.That little voice is your internal guidance system.And you may have forgotten how to steer by it.You may have been overruled by stronger people who told you that you don't know what you're talking about. That they know better.And you believed them.So you stopped listening to your little voice. You lost your map. And forgot how to know yourself.And now you're seeking.  You're pushing. You're striving.  Unfortunately, still toward what other people are telling you is right.Wanna stop?  Why not go ahead and be a cool kid on your own terms?Just listen to that internal guidance system, and make your choices according to what feels right to you.You.The coolest kid around.Who makes their own damn list of what's cool.