Michele Woodward Consulting

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Out On A Limb

Wow, this feels big. I mean, just saying it out loud.

Deep breath.

Here goes: I have started writing another book.

There. Now it's out and I'm on the record and have made a promise.

You're my witnesses and I can't back out now.

What I'm attempting to do with this book is tell the story of one coaching client, blending fiction and self-help so that any reader can use the tools to help themselves learn and grow. And any coach or would-be coach can get insight and instruction about how a coaching practice really works. And, with any luck, the story will be compelling enough that a general reader will enjoy it, too.

What's the emoticon for happy/excited/yippee? Because that's how I feel about writing this book. It's an absolute joy -- which is how I know it's right.

OK, I've only just finished the first chapter, and, true to form, on the re-reading one line presented itself for further inquiry. When I posted it on my Facebook page, I got some immediate, strong reaction, so I thought I would write about it today.

"So many of us spend time seeking that we don’t stop to enjoy what we’ve already found."

Know what I mean?

It's like spending six months planning your wedding, and when that happily anticipated day comes, you're totally focused on...the honeymoon.

Or sitting in a weekend personal development workshop, perusing the catalogue to see...what workshop you can do next.

Or, the family joke, eating breakfast while discussing...what's for lunch.

Brings up a couple of ideas I've written about before. Remember Here But Not Here? How using a cell phone or Blackberry conveniently keeps you from being present right here, right now?

And even last week's 3 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way. We are foursquare in our own way when we're so busy seeking the next great thing that we can't appreciate what's right in front of us.

Because seeking means we're looking ahead. We're looking somewhere else. Anywhere but here. Raising your hand and saying, "Absent."

It takes being fully present to fully enjoy what you've created. When you create, then drop your creation in favor of something new, what you are actually creating is a never-ending cycle of never being satisfied.

That's being driven, most certainly. Icky driven.

So, dare to be present. Dare to say, "Hmmmn. This feels great. Think I'll be here right now and...enjoy."

Enjoyment. What a concept. A very happy concept.

Like writing a book, if you ask me. And so I bring it around to the beginning. I'm writing a new book, and I thank you for being my virtual accountability buddies. It's going to be fun, anything but icky, and I'm glad you're along with me to enjoy the ride.