Michele Woodward Consulting

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Enough Advice Already

Aren't you weary of all the people out there giving advice? I am.

Pundits proclaim that this candidate is up, or that one is. Polls are accurate, polls lie. He's five points up, seven points up, thirteen points down; there's a bounce, no-bounce. He should attack, he's too nice; he makes sense, he doesn't make sense. Vote for him, vote for her, vote against him, vote against her.


Then there's our financial situation.

One guy says, "Pay only cash!" and another says, "Use your credit or you'll lose it!"

One woman, the one with those oddly transfixing eyes (you know who I mean), says, "Make an extra mortgage payment to lower your principal" and the other female financial advisor says, "Don't make that extra mortgage payment -- put it in savings in case you lose your job."

Honestly, I have advice fatigue.

So, I'm not going to give you advice on the economy or the campaign or building a business or even home decorating.

I'm going to remind you that life is short. You have been through difficulties before and you've done OK. Maybe even done very well. You're resilient. We're all resilient.

Do you know your own personal situation? If you're in trouble, you're going to figure out a way to deal with it. And if you need help, you'll be able to find it.

I want to remind you that this, too, shall pass.

It always has.

So, love, live, enjoy. Gather around your friends, family and the things that make you stronger.

Because the truth -- regardless of elections or recessions or rising waves of uncertainty -- is this: If you're doing the right thing, the right thing will always happen. I said "the right thing" -- not the expedient thing, or the easy thing, or the most comfortable thing. You always know what the right thing is. Just keep doing it. And you'll find that the right things will happen for you.